Thursday, August 2, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 23 - Summary

It's hard to believe - I reached the end of the journey. Success!
What are my thoughts and feelings?

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
First, it was just a thrill to create my own blog. The image generator was great fun and I found Flickr useful to find images and publish photos for family use. YouTube was a blast; online productivity helpful and I will be using Overdrive a great deal.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
It has given me more enthusiasm and self-confidence to explore computer technology and all its possibilities.

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I am surprised that I found more information, tools and applications that will be helpful, both professionally and personally.
Working on my own at home, I am pleased that I finished the project with only a few calls for help from coworkers. On the other hand, I missed the camaraderie experienced with a joint effort.
I also realize that I spent way more time than expected on the various exploratory exercises - by my own choice.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
For novices like me it would have helped to have a little more computer technology, such as how do you move an image from one place to another without losing your mind. Simple steps for the initiated, but...

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?
I certainly would.

How would you describe your learning experience in a few words or a few sentences, so we can share our successes and promote this program?
It was an exciting, fun, challenging and at times frustrating journey well worth the time invested.

1 comment:

Gail Griffith said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog! And I'm glad you had fun while discovering some new things. :-)